Princess Diana’s 53rd Birthday celebrated in Cincinnati Ohio at Exhibition


Birthday cards on display at Princess Diana exhibit for public to sign

As the widely celebrated, once-in-a-lifetime exhibit “Diana, A Celebration” comes to a close at the Museum Center next month, it won’t do so without some very special messages from the Tri-State.

“July 1 would have been Princess Diana’s 53rd birthday and so, we are the only stop on this tour that has had the exhibit during her birthday,” Jenna Kehrt, with the Museum Center, said.


And not only Princess Diana’s birthday, but also her wedding anniversary, which would have been July 29. Cincinnati will be home to the exhibit for both dates, which is something the Museum Center staff does not take for granted.

They will celebrate the princess’ birthday with two very large birthday cards on display for the public to sign, as well as some other interactive festivities throughout the day.

“We’re also having a Google hangout to really celebrate her birthday and we’re kind of making this all about Diana for the month of July,” Kehrt said.

And there’s still time to view these rare items, but you’ll need to hurry. If you miss it this time, you won’t have another chance.

“If you don’t see it here, you’ll never see these artifacts together, ever again, so we’re really encouraging people to come in now and get in early, try and beat the rush,” Kehrt said.

The birthday cards will be sent to Princess Diana’s family at the end of the exhibit in mid-August.