Diana Look A Like in Australia

di-look-alikeDaily Telegraph Sydney Australia


IT was during a trip to Madrid last year that Gules D’Orsi realised just how much she looked like a certain famous someone.

“I was in Plaza Mayor and a homeless man came up to me and started screaming,” she giggled.

“He was screaming, so loudly, `Diana, you’re not dead!’ – over and over again.

“Everyone stopped and stared.”

But Gules (pronounced “Jules”) is not deliberately going for the look, despite appearances to the contrary.

The Adelaide University psychology student, who also works at David Jones, discovered her iconic look after a bit of trial and error.

“I never really had a hairstyle so I was just experimenting and started wearing it short,” she said.

“Straightaway, people said I looked like Princess Diana and I thought that’s cool, but I’m not consciously trying to look like her.

“I’m just really comfortable dressed like this, even though I do get stares.

“I cop so much for my hair.

“Women come up and take pictures of me and ask if they can put them on Facebook.

“I get the occasional idiot but it’s usually women and they’re lovely.”

Ms D’Orsi, 25, is a little young to remember much about the early days of the princess, but she doesn’t mind the comparisons.

“It’s lovely and always a compliment,” she said.

“I was always a tomboy, but I got to a point where I knew I had to present myself better. I used to be a major dag.